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On Thursday's we thrive
Episode #1: "WTF is Let's Be Honest?!"Welcome to Let's Be Honest! Featuring your favorite millennial therapist, yours truly... Liana Ross, LMHC! We are kicking off this brand-new solo podcast by giving you the deets on.. who is Liana? What is Gooding Wellness? And of course, what to expect from the future of Let's Be Honest. Liana shares how this podcast will be different than the last, bringing you a full run down on pop culture and trending topics. She is SO hyped to involve her listeners into these episodes, so Liana is going to inform ya'll how to submit YOUR questions and topic requests to be (anonymously) answered on an episode! Get ready for nothing but...honesty. Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #2: "Who Are All of These Insta-Therapy Influencers?"Since when did mental health and therapy take over Instagram and Tik tok? On today's episode, we are talking all about "insta-therapy." Don't worry, Liana is going to fill you in on what it is and the different ways it has wreaked havoc all over social media. She deep dives into some of the benefits of obtaining a general education on mental health and how expressing your feelings via IG can be cathartic. BUT! Liana is also sharing the not-so glamorous parts of following ALL of the "insta-therapists" and how to navigate #TherapyTok with mindfulness and intention. Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #3: "Why is it still so hard to set boundaries with my parents?"Listener question alert!! Today Liana is answering a listener's question, “How do I set boundaries with my parents as an adult?” Liana breaks down what boundaries are, and subconsciously what emotionally happens to us when we return into our family systems. She also explains what to do if/when our parents (or anyone) disregard our attempt at healthy boundaries. Do you want your question answered by Liana? Email them to Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #4: "Can we talk about Kim K and the Met Gala debacle?!"Don't get us wrong, we are here for the Kardashians (most of the time). But we NEED to talk about Kim K. and her previously reported extreme & dangerous weight loss for the goal to fit into Marilyn Monroe's dress for the Met Gala. Liana has been waiting to talk about this one! She opens the episode by giving you a run down of what actually happened, then proceeds to explain why Kim sharing about her extreme weight loss is problematic. Liana gives ya'll a run down of why diets are dangerous (and do not work), and in addition, provides insight into ways to respect our bodies rather than always striving to find new ways to change it. Read Liana's blog on the topic here! Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #5: "Drinking is part of my job; but how much is too much?"Alcohol is everywhere, there is no denying that. But this listener wrote in asking, "What if drinking plays a major role in your career; wining and dining, sales, the lifestyle?" So how much is too much? When do our casual drinks cross the line? Liana begins the podcast by first of all, normalizing this experience, and sharing ways to increase your insight into your personal drinking habits. She provides specific questions you can ask yourself that will help uncover whether your drinking has become a problem. Liana also shares about her personal experience giving up drinking, and how it did affect her social life. Thankfully, she has learned from her past, and is able to provide the tools and skills so you can STILL have fun in social gatherings and career opportunities without turning to the booze. Want your question anonymously answered by Liana on the pod? Email them to Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #6: "Let’s set the record straight on OCD." Ft. Tanairy Fernandez, LMHCObsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD… What is it? And why are there so many misconceptions about it? Well, wait no longer, Liana is joined by OCD specialist Tanairy Fernandez, LMHC to answer this listener question and to break down 5 myths of OCD and set the record straight with the facts. She shares whether treatment is possible and the numerous ways OCD can manifest that doesn’t just have to do with “being clean.” Want your question anonymously answered by Liana on the pod? Email them to Work with Tanairy at Balance Mental health counseling: (@balancemhc) Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #7: "Does Khloe Kardashian have OCD or is she just organized?" Ft. Tanairy Fernandez, LMHCLiana is joined by Tanairy Fernandez, LMHC, OCD specialist and owner of Balance mental health counseling to discuss all things OCD and Khloe Kardashian. We break down an old episode of KUWTK where Khloe partakes in exposure therapy…. Or let us just say.. moving things out of order in her kitchen 🙄 Tanairy and Liana reflect on why this wasn’t exactly an accurate depiction of exposure therapy or diagnosed OCD. Tanairy explains what exposure therapy ACTUALLY looks like in real time! Work with Tanairy at Balance Mental health counseling: (@balancemhc) Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #8: "Is My Therapist Being Judgmental & Biased?" Ft. Gordon Gooding, LCSW“I think my couple’s therapist is actually being outwardly judgmental and biased, what do I do!?” Liana answers this week’s listener question alongside Licensed Social Worker, Gordon Gooding. The two break down the clues and signs that this therapist might actually be showing inappropriate bias in the therapy room. It doesn’t stop there..Gordon gets real about how sometimes we might project some of our own insecurities onto another person aka our therapist. Liana and Gordon share some realistic expectations we should have when we enter therapy as well as some strategies YOU can use to ensure your therapist is the right fit. Connect with Gordon: // @GoodingWellnessPC Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #9: The Dark Story Behind “Where The Crawdads Sing” Ft. Gordon Gooding, LCSWLiana is joined by Gordon Gooding, LCSW, founder and director of Gooding Wellness to discuss their thoughts on the book and new movie, “Where the crawdads sing.” Whether you’ve seen it or not, join in on this conversation about neglect, abandonment, abusive relationships, and resilience. How often do you get a chance to break down such an intense film with 2 licensed therapists?! Don’t worry, they don’t give away any spoilers and instead focus on how we all have similar traits to the main character, Kaya, how she is definitely not alone in her struggle, and how no matter the childhood issue, we can all find healing. Connect with Gordon: // @GoodingWellnessPC Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #10: "We All Have The Same Amount Of Time In A Day As Beyonce." Ft. Licensed Psychologist, Kathryn EsquerWhy does it feel as though we never had enough time in the day?! If Beyonce can be Beyonce, then how can we make the most out of our days, being productive, while also including self care into the routine? Liana is joined by Licensed Psychologist, Kathryn Esquer, founder of The Teletherapist Network, to dismantle the pressure we all place on ourselves to be "productive," and how it is just not working for us. Kathryn shares simple but effective steps you can take to get yo sh*t done, while also being kind and compassionate to yourself. If Beyonce can do it all and still be fabulous, why can't we? Connect with Kathryn: // Listen to Kathryn's podcast, "Am I A Bad Therapist" Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #11: "When Does Working Out Stop Feeling Like A Chore?"Liana is solo and back this week to answer a listener's question, “How do I exercise to maintain my mental health, without it becoming a chore? Raise your hand if you can relate! Liana starts the episode sharing the evidence based facts behind why movement has positive effects on mental health, then gets into why developing an exercise routine can end up feeling so burdensome. She opens up about her own experience with getting bored with certain workouts, how she went from a ‘cardio bunny,’ to a powerlifter, to getting hurt with an injury that severely impacted her motivation and excitement for exercise. Liana discusses how she found a workout regimen that she loves and how you can too! She leaves yall with red flags to keep in mind for IF we might be becoming too rigid in our exercise routine. Submit a question to be answered on the pod: Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here!
Episode #12: "Being Famous Isn’t Yeezy." Ft. Allie Joy, LPC, ATRLiana is joined by Registered Art Therapist & co-host of "Am I A Bad Therapist" podcast, Allie Joy, to bring ya'll some pop culture content! The two discuss Kanye West's (or Ye, who knows anymore) openness about his bipolar diagnoses as well as his decision to go off his medication. Allie shared the dangerous implications she saw as a result of this among her personal clientele who are big Ye fans, and how it has influenced a new important conversation. As an art therapist, Allie shares the facts and dismantles Kanye's statement about claiming his medication impacted his ability to be creative in his work. Liana and Allie reflect on other artists, such as Kid Cudi, Kendrick Lamar, and David Letterman who have been so open and honest about their mental health struggles and resilience. The two contrasting scenarios reminds us to be mindful of the messages we are listening to, and to always talk with our doctors about our medications first! Listen to “Am I A Bad Therapist” Podcast: // @amiabadtherapistpod Follow Allie on Instagram: @TheJoyOfTherapy Submit a question to be answered on the pod: Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here! on Apple Podcasts!
Episode #13: "Why Do I Keep Getting Ghosted?" Ft. Meagan Miraldi, LMHCLet's admit it, dating is TOUGH. And being ghosted does not help the process! We've all either been ghosted or done the ghosting, so let's talk about it. This week, Liana is joined by Licensed Therapist, Meagan Miraldi, to answer a listener question, talk current dating culture, and online dating. They reflect on why people ghost, why it hurts so badly, and how to move forward after you've been ghosted. Whether you're single, dating, or in long term relationships, we promise you'll be able to relate to this one. Connect with Meagan: Here! Submit a question to be answered on the pod: Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Check us out on YouTube Here! Listen Here! on Apple Podcasts!
Episode #14: Is Love Really Blind?: "After The Alter" Hot Take. Ft. Meagan Miraldi, LMHCWho’s ready for an “After the alter” debrief with 2 therapists?! Licensed therapist, Meagan Miraldi, LMHC rejoins Liana on the pod to tackle lots of V important “Love is Blind” drama. We’re talking about whether we think Shaina and Shayne REALLY had flirty messages, Nick and Danielle’s terrible communication, Jarret’s partying ways, Deepti being empowering AF, and SO much more. Meagan and Liana deep dive into these dynamics to point out warning signs of a toxic relationship, why healthy communication actually matters, and when we just call it quits on a situation-ship. It’s like your own personal relationship coaching session..only free. Connect with Meagan: Here! Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Watch the episode on our Youtube! Submit a question/topic request: Listen Here!
Episode 15: "What It’s Like Returning To Work After Having A Baby." Ft. Sowania Germain, LMHC“I just had a baby, how TF am I supposed to go back to work right now?!” You’re in luck, because this week, Liana is joined by Licensed Therapist and mama specialist, Sowania Germain, LMHC to answer your questions! Sowania helps normalize the pressure that mamas put on themselves and additionally stresses the importance of giving yourself grace! Sowania breaks down a specific plan for new moms to have in place prior to going back to the office. The ladies discuss much needed self care as a mom, and how to navigate the feelings of guilt associated with it. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup! Connect with Sowania: // @TheMamaTherapist_ Follow the pod on IG: @LetPodsBHonest Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Listen Here
Episode 16: "When RHOBH Fans Go Too Far"… Ft. Sowania Germain, LMHCWe all know the drama..and today we are talking about it! Liana is re-joined by Licensed Therapist and mama specialist, Sowania Germain, LMHC to break down the cyber bullying around RHOBH, Garcelle Beauvaix, and her son, Jax. Sowania shares her personal experience as a woman of color and Haitian background, how she has navigated past scrutiny which involved her kids. The ladies provide fellow moms ways to navigate the difficulties associated with our kids being discriminated against and bullied. FYI, it is NOT an easy path to walk, which is why we suggest grabbing a pen and paper for this one! Connect with Sowania: // @TheMamaTherapist_ Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Listen Now on Apple Podcast
Episode 17: "What It’s Really Like To Become A Therapist"Ever wanted to know what it really takes to become a psychotherapist? Look no further! Liana is answering a listener question and detailing the steps she took to be a licensed mental health counselor. School, school, exams, and a lot of ups and downs… it was NOT a steamlined path. Tune in to hear how Liana almost actually became an elementary teacher (WHAT?!), and the moment she swerved into the path that would eventually lead her to where she is today. Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Listen now on Apple Podcast Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center
Episode 18: After the Affair: "If Khloe can heal, so can you"If you think infidelity is black and white, think again. Liana is discussing recent cheating scandals among some of our favorite celebs. She breaks down the 11 (YES 11) different types of infidelity and when to call it quits. BUT, Liana also discusses the real steps a couple can take to rebuild their relationship and trust after cheating. #communication and #HONESTY! Get ready to reframe your perspective on infidelity recovery. Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Listen Now on Apple Podcast Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center
Episode 19: Please not another damn casserole!: "Dealing with grief." Ft. Michelle Gegwich, LMSWWe all experience grief and loss in our lives, yet no one ever talks about it! Today we are changing that! Liana is joined by grief specialist and grief educator, Michelle Gegwich, LMSW to give us the truth behind what the grief process actually looks like. Spoiler alert: there is no “right” way to grieve, but you’ll hear what you will most likely expect during this hard time and from this “new normal.” Michelle provides insight into how to best support someone who is grieving.. And it aint always making them a baked ziti. You’ll hear the signs that will tell you when grief counseling is needed rather than experiencing grief on your own. Learn more about Michelle Here : Follow the pod on IG: @LetsBHonestPod Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center Listen Now on Apple Podcast
Episode 20: “The Biggest Misconception of Open Relationships.” Ft. Antonio Carratelli, LMFTNon-monogamy? Open relationships? Polyamory?...WHAT?! Don't worry, we are in for a treat; we are all about to get educated by Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Antonio Carratelli. Antonio joins Liana in today's episode to dismantle the misconceptions around non-monogamous relationships, how to approach the topic with a partner, and how to actually navigate an open relationship with A LOT of honesty and communication. Antonio provides insight into when a couple might be ready to open their relationship if interested, and when a couple might not be quite there. We promise you might leave with a new perspective on the non-monogamous lifestyle whether it is for you or not. You'll also learn it is NOT just all about upside down pineapples. Connect with Antonio: Follow the pod on IG: @Letsbehonest.podcast Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Listen Now on Apple Podcast Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center
Episode 21: Larry - “How Do I Break Unhealthy Family Patterns?” Ft. Larry Epstein, LMHCIf someone in your family is struggling with their mental health, does it impact the whole room? Well, today Liana is joined by Larry Epstein, LMHC, to answer a listener's question about the difficulty of emotionally detaching from a family member's anxiety. They break down what detachment means, how to incorporate it, and how to manage your own personal anxiety. Liana and Larry dive deeper into the topic of anxiety and how it differs from stress, when stress can actually be useful, and how to navigate these intrusive thoughts we all know and hate. Larry shares his take on using pop culture in therapy sessions, as well as his experience in working with veterans, trauma survivors, and anxious individuals. You'll need this one before the next time you visit your family! Connect with Larry: Follow the pod on IG: @Letsbehonest.podcast Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center Listen Now on Apple Podcast
Episode 22: “How To Mentally Survive The Holiday Season”ITS THE HOLIDAY SEASON! We love this time of year! No matter what you celebrate, no matter what tradition you practice, sometimes the holidays can also be #rough. Liana is getting real and answering some listener submitted questions and concerns that are coming up during this time of year. She speaks about how to navigate stressful family dynamics and what to do if this is the first year without a loved one who recently passed. She also breaks down the very real struggle associated with this being the first holiday season in recovery from an eating disorder and substance abuse addiction. Cuz we all know the holidays are FLOODED with food and booze. You’ll want to listen to this episode before you have to deal with Aunt Judy’s questions about your dating life. Follow the pod on IG: @Letsbehonest.podcast Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Listen Now on Apple Podcast Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center
Episode 23: “I Can’t Stop Comparing Myself To My Friends!” Ft. Emily Dolan, LMSWWhy do we ALWAYS tend to catch ourselves in the comparison game? And why does social media make it so incredibly easy to compare our lives to someone else's highlight reel? In this episode I sit down with Licensed Social Worker, Emily Dolan, to talk all things confidence and comparison. We read listener submitted questions including feeling that others are "further along in life," being the only single friend in a group filled with couples, comparing present self to our past self, and SO much more. Emily takes us through what she has seen within her professional and personal life when it comes to comparing our life to someone else's, how it impedes our self-esteem, and what to do about it. Follow the pod on IG: @Letsbehonest.podcast Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center Listen Now on Apple Podcast
Episode 24: “The Talking Stage Is A Cop-Out” Ft. Relationship Therapist & Coach, Laura Caruso, MHC-LPDo you find yourself to be anxious in relationships? What about avoidant or fearful of getting too close to someone? The season finale is here and we’ve got a good one. Liana sits down with relationship therapist and coach, Laura Caruso, MHC-LP, to answer listener questions about attachment styles. Laura breaks down the difference between love vs. attachment, what love ACTUALLY feels like, and what it means to be secure in a relationship. Liana and Laura finally admit that they believe “the talking stage” is a cop out to being in a committed relationship. #WeSaidIt. Connect with Laura: @lauracaruso.therapy Follow the pod on IG: @Letsbehonest.podcast Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Listen Now on Apple Podcast Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center
Episode #21: "How Do I Break Unhealthy Family Patterns?" Ft. Larry Epstein, LMHCIf someone in your family is struggling with their mental health, does it impact the whole room? Well, today Liana is joined by Larry Epstein, LMHC, to answer a listener's question about the difficulty of emotionally detaching from a family member's anxiety. They break down what detachment means, how to incorporate it, and how to manage your own personal anxiety. Liana and Larry dive deeper into the topic of anxiety and how it differs from stress, when stress can actually be useful, and how to navigate these intrusive thoughts we all know and hate. Larry shares his take on using pop culture in therapy sessions, as well as his experience in working with veterans, trauma survivors, and anxious individuals. You'll need this one before the next time you visit your family! Connect with Larry: Follow the pod on IG: @Letsbehonest.podcast Follow Liana on IG: @LianaRossLMHC Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Listen Now on Apple Podcast Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center
Episode #22: "How To Mentally Survive The Holiday Season"ITS THE HOLIDAY SEASON! We love this time of year! No matter what you celebrate, no matter what tradition you practice, sometimes the holidays can also be #rough. Liana is getting real and answering some listener submitted questions and concerns that are coming up during this time of year. She speaks to how to navigate stressful family dynamics and what to do if this is the first year without a loved one who recently passed. She also breaks down the very real struggle associated with this being the first holiday season in recovery from an eating disorder and substance abuse addiction. Cuz we all know the holidays are FLOODED with food and booze. You’ll want to listen to this episode before you have to deal with Aunt Judy’s questions about your dating life Follow the pod on IG: @letsbehonest.podcast Follow Liana on IG: @YourTrauma.Therapist Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center Listen Now on Apple Podcast
Episode #23: "I Can’t Stop Comparing Myself To My Friends!" Ft. Emily Dolan, LMSWWhy do we ALWAYS tend to catch ourselves in the comparison game? And why does social media make it so incredibly easy to compare our lives to someone else's highlight reel? In this episode I sit down with Licensed Social Worker, Emily Dolan, to talk all things confidence and comparison. We read listener submitted questions including feeling that others are "further along in life," being the only single friend in a group filled with couples, comparing present self to our past self, and SO much more. Emily takes us through what she has seen within her professional and personal life when it comes to comparing our life to someone else's, how it impedes our self esteem, and what to do about it. Follow the pod on IG: @Letsbehonest.podcast Follow Liana on IG: @Yourtrauma.therapist Submit a question/topic request: Get in touch with Emily, work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center Listen on Apple Podcasts Here!
Episode #24: "The ‘Talking Stage’ Is A Cop-Out." Ft. Relationship Therapist & Coach, Laura Caruso, MHC-LPDo you find yourself to be anxious in relationships? What about avoidant or fearful of getting too close to someone? The season finale is here and we’ve got a good one. Liana sits down with relationship therapist and coach, Laura Caruso, MHC-LP, to answer listener questions about attachment styles. Laura breaks down the difference between love vs. attachment, what love ACTUALLY feels like, and what it means to be secure in a relationship. Liana and Laura finally admit that they believe “the talking stage” is a cop out to being in a committed relationship. #WeSaidIt. Connect with Laura: @lauracaruso.therapy Follow the pod on IG: @Letsbehonest.podcast Follow Liana on IG: @yourtrauma.therapist Submit a question/topic request: Work with Liana & learn more about Gooding Wellness: Check us out on Youtube! Sponsored by Mountainside Treatment Center Listen on Apple Podcasts Here!
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